Holori launches its Cloud Cost Management Platform

Dear Friends of Holori, Customers, Partners, and more,

We’ve been working behind the scenes on a groundbreaking solution for cloud cost visibility. We’re thrilled to finally unveil Holori cloud cost management tool, which is available for AWS, GCP & Azure.

Holori FinOps platform comes as an extension of our current flagship infrastructure visibility platform. Our goal is to bridge the gap between Engineering and Finance people to have one tool they can collaborate on. For DevOps having infrastructure diagram empowers them to gain a crystal-clear understanding of their entire cloud footprint from the ground up. Finance people are used to work with Dashboard, creating budgets and reports but they don’t have the required knowledge concerning cloud computing. DevOps and FinOps must therefore collaborate to track & optimize cloud costs. Holori is uniquely positioned to offer a platform that both DevOps and Finance people love.

This release marks a significant step towards Holori‘s vision of a unified platform for visualizing, managing and optimizing cloud costs.

What features are available in the new Holori platform

1- Visualize and monitor your cloud infrastructure from AWS, Azure or GCP

Connect your cloud account and visualize a diagram of your existing infrastructure. Your diagram will be synchronized on a daily basis to reflect the changes that have been made.

Holori cloud infrastructure diagram view

2- Visualize your AWS, Azure and GCP cloud costs

Holori aggregates your cost from AWS, Azure, GCP (past and present) and display them in an intuitive way so that it’s easy to navigate from cost category to individual resource. The setup process takes less than 5 minutes and costs are gathered almost immediately.

AWS cost dashboard with Holori

3- Filter and save views

Define a set of filters to search for a segment of your infrastructure. Save the search into “Views” so that you can re-use it and share it.

4 – Asset inventory

Holori aggregates a list of all the resources you have in your cloud environment even if spread across multiple cloud accounts. In this inventory you can easily understand which asset cost the most, when it has been created, where it’s located and see the tags associated to it. Clicking on the asset, you can see its configuration and costs drivers.

Holori Asset inventory feature
Holori Usage data cost

5- Virtual tags

Finops teams can create virtual tags in Holori to allocate spend and identify the purpose of resources. Tags are generated right away and there is no need to re-label resources at the provider level and wait for updates or changes. 

6- Project planning

Use Holori diagramming tool to plan your future project and estimate the cost of it before deployment.

What’s coming next in Holori visibility & cost management platform

We are now working hard to extend our cloud cost management platform with important features:

  • Notifications
  • Budgeting
  • Recommendations to optimize cloud cost
  • Cost allocation
  • Bringing a cost overlay on top of the diagram
  • More cloud providers (OCI, DigitalOcean, K8S, OVH…) to be added afterward

We are super excited of what’s ahead of us!

How is the pricing affected ?

The pricing model is changing as we are switching from a seat-based model to a usage-based billing. The way it now works: you will be charged for your entire organization depending on your monthly cloud spend. We have chosen this model as the bigger your cloud infra is, the higher will be your cloud spend and the more Holori will create value.

We will keep offering a free tier plan for companies under $3.000 monthly spend. The next plan starts at $49. Check our new pricing grid.

For companies who only want to use the infrastructure view and diagramming capabilities, we will continue offering custom plans.

For existing customers, we will keep the previous pricing except if you want to move to a superior plan.

The Future of Cloud Cost Management is Here

We, as founders, have experienced the acute pain of cloud costs firsthand at our previous startup. When you are the one paying, it is very painful and this is the reason why we created Holori.

A first wave of cloud cost management platform appeared in 2014 but targeted only very large companies with huge cloud spend. Those platforms have all been acquired now and are very expensive making it not a viable option for SMBs. The cloud market has also evolved a lot since then but their platform didn’t.

With Holori, we are looking to offer a self-serve platform where it literally takes 5 min to get started. Also, we want to offer a platform that both DevOps and Finance love because this is the only way that cost are kept under control in the long run. With exciting new FinOps features on the horizon, Holori is poised to become the go-to platform for managing and optimizing cloud infrastructure across all major providers.

Experience the power of unified cloud visibility and cost management with Holori. Sign up for your free 14-day trial and see how Holori can help you optimize your cloud spending: https://app.holori.com/

Holori cloud cost management platform