Draw Digital Ocean architecture diagram !

Holori makes it easy to create Digital Ocean diagram, estimate its cost & compare to other providers !

digital ocean architecture diagram tool
multicloud icon

Draw and visualize Multicloud diagrams

azure logo

Draw and visualize Azure diagrams

Draw and visualize Google diagrams

on premise

Draw and visualize Architecture diagrams

Generate Terraform diagrams

Draw and visualize Mutlicloud diagrams

Draw and visualize GCP diagrams

Draw and visualize Azure diagrams

Tailored to design Digital Ocean diagrams

Holori employs the official and up-to-date DigitalOcean architecture icons, with each icon representing an actual DigitalOcean service like DigitalOcean Droplets, DigitalOcean Volumes, DigitalOcean Kubernetes, and more. These services are conveniently organized into categories on the left panel, simplifying the process of searching through DigitalOcean’s extensive catalog of 200 products. Additionally, Holori’s diagramming software offers complimentary architecture templates that you can readily utilize.

Digital Ocean diagrams

Estimate price for each AWS service

The Digital Ocean catalog presents a multifaceted array of options, with pricing variations across different Availability Zones, resulting in an abundance of potential configurations. Within each component of the cloud diagram, Holori provides expert guidance to strike the optimal balance between cost and performance for every Digital Ocean service. Users have the flexibility to modify the Digital Ocean service selection and experiment with alternative choices, including cost comparisons with Azure and GCP for each specific service. Holori’s cloud diagrams are fortified by our advanced cloud calculator, which benchmarks over 50,000 services offered by various cloud providers.

Digital Ocean cost estimation in diagram

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Collaborate on DigitalOcean architecture

IT and DevOps teams are increasingly dispersed across various locations, a trend that has been accelerated by the rise of remote work. These teams require new collaborative tools to effectively manage their DigitalOcean infrastructure. This becomes especially crucial as their infrastructure frequently serves multiple projects, stakeholders, and departments. By utilizing Holori’s DigitalOcean diagramming tool, you can foster transparency throughout your entire organization. This transparency extends to your finance department, which gains essential visibility into costs associated with the infrastructure.

DigitalOcean attributes for each component

For each DO product you are putting on the architecture diagram, you have the possibility to specify Terraform attributes either to generate Terraform configuration files or to have further architecture details.

Digital Ocean Terraform

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