Intuitive Cloud Cost Allocation

Say goodbye to endless Excel spreadsheets for cloud cost allocation. With Holori, you can create your cost centers and visually assign your cloud expenses to the right departments, business units, or project — all in an intuitive, graphical interface.

Drag & Drop costs and allocate them

Simply drag and drop your cost sources — virtual tags, provider tags, services, resources, and accounts — directly into the right segments. Holori’s intuitive interface makes cloud cost distribution easy to understand and manage. Plus, with smart priority rules, Holori ensures that each cost is allocated only once, eliminating duplication and confusion.

Create your segments the way you want

With Holori, you can build your cost center structure to match your organization’s reality. Set up a hierarchy of cost centers, each representing a specific department, project, team, or any segment that matters to you. Create as many segments as you need and organize your cloud costs in a way that reflects how your business actually works.

Allocate costs down to the resource level

Holori gives you full flexibility to allocate cloud costs at any level of detail. Distribute costs using Virtual Tags, provider tags, services, cloud accounts, or even drill down to individual resources — ensuring every cost lands exactly where it belongs.

cloud cost at the resource level

It just takes 5 min to get you started and seamlessly connect AWS, Azure or GCP

Distribute shared costs

With Holori, you can easily set up shared cost policies to split expenses across multiple segments — like shared resources, service, or accounts. Simply define the percentage each segment should cover, and Holori automatically distributes those costs accordingly.

Allocate with virtual tags

Define virtual tags rules across cloud providers to tag resources in bulk and in an harmonized way. Drag and drop the virtual tags to the right segments to allocate the virtual tags cost to the appropriate segment.

See your GCP cloud costs

See your AWS cloud costs

See your Azure cloud costs