Visualize your cloud infrastructure as a diagram and track changes in an explicit way 

Connect providers and map cloud environment

Holori connect your cloud providers with read-only permissions to scan your environment and generate a clear infrastructure diagram. Click on a resource to see its configuration. Use filters to display what’s interesting for you.

holori cloud asset monitoring and visualization

Continuous monitoring of infrastructure

Holori continuously sync your cloud environment on a daily or weekly basis to track changes. In red see what has been deleted, in green what has been added and in yellow what asset has been modified. Select the dates you want to perform ad-hoc infrastructure comparison. 

holori cloud asset monitoring and visualization

Want to visualize and monitor infrastructure changes?

It takes less than 5 min to get you started.

Up-to-date documentation of infrastructure

Every DevOps hate doing cloud documentation. Moreover,  as soon as your infrastructure evolves, you need to update it. With Holori, you can sit back and relax, your cloud documentation and diagram are updated autonomously at every sync.

Set up alerts to monitor your infrastructure in real-time

Be notified by email or via Slack channels whenever a change is detected in your infrastructure. Notify your whole team when changes have happened and make sure your infrastructure is not going out of control.

Monitor GCP infra

Monitor AWS infra

Monitor Azure infra